Сценарий праздника Halloween для 3-х и 5-х классов


Дата: 27.10.2011

Учителя: Ступак Н.С., Балахонова Н.Н.

Тема: “Halloween”

Цель: Ознакомление учащихся с обычаями и традициями празднования Хэллоуина в англоязычных странах.



  1. воспитывать у учащихся чувство уважения к истории и культуре изучаемого языка; воспитывать интерес к предмету.
  2. совершенствовать навык аудирования; провести практику речевой деятельности.
  3. развитие творческой фантазии и инициативы в осуществлении иноязычной деятельности.



  • тыквы со свечами внутри,
  • плакаты, поделки и рисунки на тему Хэллоуин;
  • костюмы для инсценировки;
  • эмблемы команд;
  • яблоки;
  • листы с заданиями для команд;
  • платки, фартуки и швабры для конкурса “I’m a witch”;
  • грамоты и конфеты для призового фонда.


Ход праздника

Good afternoon, children and dear guests. Welcome to our Halloween party! Today we will listen to Halloween poems, sing songs and play Halloween games.


На сцену выходят один за другим участники представления.

A black cat

Halloween is coming.

What will you wear?


A devil

I might wear a blanket

And be a brown bear.

Halloween is coming.

Who will you meet?


A ghost

I might meet a princess

Skipping down the street.

Halloween is coming.

What will you do?


A black cat

I might go trick-or-treating

How about you?

Halloween is coming.

What will you be?


A devil

I might be a pirate

On the deep blue sea.

Halloween is coming.

What will you see?


A ghost

I might see a Jack-o’-lantern

Winking at me.


Появляется ведьма.


A witch

Hello, my dear friends! Do you know me? I’m a witch. I’m not very old. I’m only 300 years old. Are you glad to meet me today? And I’m glad to see you! Do you know why we have appeared here? Yes, Halloween is coming! Oh, who is that?


A pumpkin

I’m a pumpkin, big and round.

Once upon a tome I grew on the ground.

Now I have a mouth, two eyes and a nose.

What are they for, do you suppose?

Why I’ll be a Jack-o’-lantern on Halloween night!


A ghost

Did you know that Jack-o’-lanterns

Are of Indian breed?

That the Indian gave the white people

Their first pumpkin seed?

That the Indian kids cut faces

In the golden ring?

Some quite ugly, some quite jolly,

Some of every kind.


A black cat

The children made some happy

With a merry grin.

Then to make them human,

They put a bright light in

That is how Jack-o’-lantern

You have often seen

Was made, so thank the Indians

For every Halloween!


A witch

Celtic priests called Druids first celebrated Halloween many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland. They celebrated the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The Druids thought that Halloween was the night when the witches came out. They placed food and small gifts near the doors of their houses for the witches. The integral part of the festival was a lantern made of a pumpkin. During the festival groups of children visited nearby houses and asked for candies. “Trick or treat! Trick or treat!” was heard everywhere.



Первыми стали праздновать Хэллоуин кельтские племена, которых называли друидами. А происходило это много веков назад в Ирландии и Шотландии. Так они отмечали окончание осени и приход зимы. Друиды думали, что именно в эту ночь ведьмы устраивают шабаш. Люди боялись ведьм и, чтобы их обмануть, наряжались в различные костюмы и разрисовывали лица. А около дверей домов друиды оставляли пищу и маленькие подарки для ведьм. Неотъемлимым атрибутом праздника был фонарь из тыквы. В этот вечер везде можно услышать: «Угощайте или подшутим!». С этими словами дети ходят от дома к дому, собирая сладости.


A cat

Trick or treat, trick or treat

Give us something good to eat.


A devil

Give us candy, give us cake,

Give us something sweet to take.


A ghost

Give us cookies, fruit and gum,

Hurry up and give us some!


A cat, a devil, a ghost

Trick or treat, trick or treat,

Give us something good to eat!


Помощники ведьмы идут в зал и тех, кто не откупился, выводят на сцену.


A witch

If you don’t want us to trick on you, then dance! (танец всех зрителей).

You can see our Halloween tree here. Let’s decorate it. Choose the picture and decorate the tree. (дети подбирают картинку к надписи)


Well and now you can see the fairy tale about a little ghost who could not say “Woooo…”


The ghost who could not say “Wooooo…”

Story teller

I want to tell you a story about the ghost who could not say “Woooo”. A young ghost, Gilly by name was walking along the dusty road. Then he stopped, sat down on a stone and began crying. At that moment Polly Mouse was passing by.


Polly Mouse: What’s the matter?

Gilly Ghost: Oh, Polly! I can’t say that word.

 Polly Mouse: What word?

Gilly Ghost: The word all ghosts say when they go out haunting on Halloween.

Polly Mouse: I’ll be glad to teach you.

Gilly Ghost: You are a real friend.

Polly Mouse: Listen to me, “Squeak, squeak, squeak!”

Gilly Ghost: No, Polly, that isn’t the ghost word.

Mr. Cat: Of course, it isn’t the ghost word. What a silly Mouse! And what a silly ghost not to know such an important word!

Gilly Ghost: You’re right. I can’t go haunting if I can’t say a word.

Mr. Cat:  I’ll teach you, “Mew, mew, mew”

Gilly Ghost: I’m sorry but that isn’t the ghost word either.

Mr.Cat: Let me think…I know who will teach you. He knows everything.

Story teller: At that moment Mr. Pumpkin came out of the bushes.

Gilly Ghost: Will you teach me to say that word?

Mr. Pumpkin: Of course, I will! Wooooo-ooo!

Gilly Ghost: Wooooo! That’s it! That’s it!

Miss Witch: Gilly Ghost, that is the best “Woooo” I have heard tonight. I’m proud of you. Hop on my broomstick and I’ll take you to haunt with the other ghosts.


Now let’s play Halloween games. (по 6 человек от каждого класса)

The name of this team is “Witches”

The name of this team is “Ghosts”

The name of this team is “Pumpkins”

Каждая команда получает свою эмблему и встает напротив стула с символом своей команды.


Guessing game

I’ll show you the picture and you must say the word. If you don’t know this word another team will try to guess what it is. (за правильный ответ – жетон)




Who will be the quickest? Each team has its ghost. You must make it fly till the next chair. The fastest team will have 5 points.

Каждая команда получает привидение из тонкой бумаги и картонку. Задача – заставить привидение летать с помощью этой картонки до стула и вернуться к команде.



We need only one member of each team. You must eat the apple without hands.


Apples in the spoon

Each team has the apple and the spoon. You must run to the chair then return to your team and bring the apple in the spoon.


Hidden Halloween words

Each team has the sheet of paper with hidden words. You must find and underline them.


I am a witch

Each team has a broomstick, a hat and an apron. Each member of the team runs to the chair, put on these things, sits down on the chair and says: “I’m a witch”. Then he puts off all the things and runs to the team. Who will be the fastest?


Thank you very much. Take your places, please.

Подведение итогов, награждение победителей.




Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия

Сказка A little Mermaid



King of the sea

Grandmother, his mother

Mermaids(5), his daughters

Little Mermaid, his last daughter







Author: Water is blue in the sea. And at the bottom you can find the beautiful palace. Sea King and his daughters live there. The king has six daughters. They are mermaids.


Grandmother: Good morning, my son, good morning, dear granddaughters.

1st  and 2nd mermaid: Good morning, dear granny.

3rd mermaid: How are you today?

Grandmother: Very well, thank you.

4th mermaid: Dear Granny, please, tell us about man’s life. We like to listen to your stories very much.

Grandmother: OK. All people live on the earth. They have houses and palaces. The bird sing in their gardens. And people have one thing which we haven’t.

5th mermaid: What is it, Granny?

Grandmother: They have legs!

Mermaids: What are “legs”, Granny?

Grandmother: Their two legs are like our two tails.

King of the sea: That’s enough! People are not very good, because they catch our fish. You haven’t to talk about them. Dear daughters, go for a walk!

Little Mermaid: (alone) I want to see people very much. But I can do it, when I am fifteen.


Look at this stuff

Isn't it neat?

Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?

Wouldn't you think I'm the girl

The girl who has ev'rything?

Look at this trove

Treasures untold

How many wonders can one cavern hold?

Lookin' around here you'd think


She's got everything


I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty

I've got whozits and whatzits galore

You want thingamabobs?

I got twenty

But who cares?

No big deal

I want more


I wanna be where the people are

I wanna see

Wanna see 'em dancin'

Walkin' around on those

Whad'ya call 'em?

Oh - feet

Flippin' your fins you don't get too far

Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'

Strollin' along down a

What's that word again?


Up where they walk

Up where they run

Up where they stay all day in the sun

Wanderin' free

Wish I could be

Part of that world


What would I give

If I could live

Outta these waters?

What would I pay

To spend a day

Warm on the sand?

Betcha on land

They understand

Bet they don't reprimand their daughters

Bright young women

Sick o' swimmin'

Ready to stand


And I'm ready to know what the people know

Ask 'em my questions

And get some answers

What's a fire and why does it

What's the word? Burn?


When's it my turn?

Wouldn't I love

Love to explore that shore up above?

Out of the sea

Wish I could be

Part of that world



Author: When little Mermaid was 15, she rose on the surface of the sea to see people. She saw a big ship with people on it. Little Mermaid liked one of them. He was Prince. Suddenly the storm began and the ship began to fall under the water. Little Mermaid helped Prince, but he didn’t see her. When she went away one girl came to Prince. He thought that this girl helped him. And our poor Little Mermaid came back home in the sea.

Little Mermaid: I love Prince very much! More than my father and my Granny! I want to be a girl! I want to be with him! What can I do? Oh,  can go to Sea witch! She can help me!


Sea Witch: Oh, I know why you come to me. I’ll help you and it will be your problem. Do you want to have legs?

Little Mermaid: Yes, I do!

Sea Witch: You  think that Prince becomes your husband. Maybe. I’ll give you legs, but it will give you pain. Do you agree?

Little Mermaid: Yes, I do!

Sea Witch: and if Prince doesn’t marry you, you will become sea foam. You will die. Do you agree?

Little Mermaid: Yes, I do.

Sea Witch: OK But I’ll take your voice.

Little Mermaid: My voice? But….

Sea Witch: No “but”! Sing!

Русалочка начинает петь, постепенно затихая. Ведьма показывает, что у нее в руках появляется что-то невидимое – голос Русалочки.

Sea Witch: You must drink this. After that you’ll have two lags. Good bye!

Ведьма уходит. Русалочка выпивает напиток, вскрикивает и падает.


Комната во дворце. За столом сидят Принц, русалочка и несколько придворных.

Gentleman: This young girl is very beautiful.

Lady: Yes, but she can’t talk. She hasn’t got a voice.

Gentleman: Poor girl! Her eyes say that she loves Prince very much.

Lady: But our Prince loves the girl, who helped him at the sea. And he never marries to this girl.

Русалочка, услышав это, опускает голову.

Prince: Why are you sad today, my dear child? I like when you smile. (Русалочка грустно улыбается)  You are very beautiful and I love you like my sister. You always understand me. Please, dance for me.  Your dances are very nice.

Русалочка танцует. Во время танца в дверях появляется девушка, которая якобы спасла Принца. Тот, увидев ее, бросается ей навстречу. Музыка резко обрывается, а русалочка Замирает в незаконченном движении.

Prince: Oh, it’s you! You are that girl who helped me on the sea shore. I’m happy that I found you! My dear child, come t me! This is the girl who helped me. I love her very much and I’m the happiest man in the world now. I know you love me and you must be happy too. (Русалочка склоняется в реверансе)

В глубине сцены корабль, на палубе которого стоит принц и его невеста в свадебном платье. На первом плане Русалочка в белом или светло-голубом платье. Она протягивает руки к кораблю. Её голос звучит в записи.

Little Mermaid: My dear Prince! I loved you more than all things, which are in the world. I hope you will be happy with your beautiful wife. And I ……Some minutes later I’ll be sea foam. I am dying. I can’t stay with you, but you always will be with me in my heart… Good-bye, my Prince…..


Районный фестиваль детского творчества на английском языке

All Worlds a Stage

Ежегодно в нашем районе проводиться фестиваль детского творчества на английском языке среди обучающихся образовательных учреждений, целью которого является не только стремление повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению предмета, но и помочь раскрытию талантов наших учеников и учителей.

Не стал исключением и 2012 год. Как и в прошлый раз фестиваль получил громкое название “All World’s a Stage” и нашу школу на нем представлял коллектив учащихся 5-А класса под руководством учителей английского языка Ступак Н.С. и Балахоновой Н.Н.

14 марта среди более чем 12 участвовавших коллективов наши пятиклассники очень достойно защищали честь школы. Они показали музыкально-драматическую постановку по мотивам сказки Г.Х.Андерсена «Русалочка». Загадочные глубины моря хранят немало тайн, а обитатели океана могут рассказать множество удивительных историй и самая невероятная – история Русалочки – чудесная сказка о большой неразделённой любви никого не оставила равнодушным. Перед зрителями развернулся целый мюзикл с волшебной музыкой, весёлыми, а иногда и грустными песнями, танцами и яркими костюмами. При помощи ткани белых и голубых оттенков ребята создавали иллюзию морских волн, которые превращались то в бушующий океан, то в лёгкую рябь на воде в солнечное утро. Когда «волны» стихали, перед зрителями появлялась новая сцена – морское царство или земной дворец.

Во время выступления наших ребят в зале царила полная тишина – всем было интересно: что же будет дальше, за этими волнами? Хотя сюжет сказки всем известен с детства, зрители были заинтригованы происходящим, и жюри оценило наше выступление очень высоко. Ребята получили грамоту лауреатов в номинации «Оригинальная музыкально-драматическая постановка». А нашу маленькую Русалочку, за яркое исполнение, отметили особой наградой – она получила замечательный словарик с дисками.

Все участники фестиваля получили массу положительных эмоций – лица детей светились от радости и эта победа их очень вдохновила – они уже думают: «Какую сказку можно ещё сыграть?» Пожелаем им удачи!!!

Ступак Н.С. Балахонова Н.Н.

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия

The swan princess

King William

Princess Odette

Prince Derek

Queen Uberta

Enchanter Rothbart



Once upon a time, there was a king named William, but he had no child. Then happily, a daughter was born, a princess Odette.

King William and Queen Uberta wanted to join their kingdoms and hoped that Odette and Derek would fall in love.

But unknown to all was another plan, that of evil enchanter Rothbart




Everything you own, everything you love, will be mine!



Welcome to our kindom, dear William and to you princess Odette!


So happy you could come!


So happy to be here!



Arrange the marriage!




What? You are all I ever wanted! You are beautiful!


Thank you? But what else?


What else?


Is beauty all that matters to you?


I…..What else?(принцесса уходит)


We tried, Uberta. No one can say we didn’t try.




Today is the day, Willy!

Everything you own

Everything you love will be mine!

(превращает принцессу в лебедя и улетает вместе с ней)




Who did this?


It came so quickly….A great animal!


Where is Odette?


Odette is …….gone……




Don’t let my little spell make you sad, Odette! It doesn’t even last the whole day. As soon as the moon comes up….(лебедь превращается в принцессу)

And that’s how it works every night. You have to be on the lake of course.

What I really want is your father’s kingdom. If I merry you, we’ll rule the kingdom together, legally!


Never! (собирается уйти)


Where are you going?

As soon as moonlight leaves the lake, you turn back into the swan. No matter where you are!


Far longer than forever


Принц видит лебедя и хочет застрелить, но она подплывает к свету луны и превращается в принцессу


Hello, Derek. I missed you so!


Odette! I’m happy! I’ll never let you out of my sight again!


Listen to me, Derek! He has me under a spell! When the moon sets  I turn back into swan


There must be someway to break the spell


Oh! There is! You must make a vow of everlasting love


I’ll make it! It’s all I ever wanted!


You must prove it to the world!


The ball! Tomorrow night! Come to the castle!

Before the whole world I’ll make a vow of everlasting love!




I’m coming!



Tomorrow night!


I heard the voices


No. I decided to become your queen


Oh. I’m glad! You make me so happy! I’ll be a good king!

(находит стрелу) What’s this?

You want to go to the ball?


I’ll never be yours!

I’ll marry prince Derek!


You won’t be able to attend the big ball tomorrow night!

I’m going to turn his vow to the wrong princess.

(обращается к служанке) I’ll make you look like Odette. When he makes his vow to the wrong girl Odette will die!


Ball (princess parade)


Dear ladies and gentlemen! I have an announcement to make.  Today I have found my bride!


No! Derek! No! It’s a trick!


Presenting to you as the future queen of the kingdom. And as a proof of my love for her, I make a vow. I make a vow of everlasting love!




To Odette!


Noooo (улетает)


Hello, prince! She is not your princess!


No, she is Odette! I made a vow! A vow of everlasting love!


You made a vow of death!


No! Odette!

(бежит к озеру)

Oh! What have I done? Forgive me, Odette! The vow I made was for you!

(появляется колдун)

Don’t let her die!


Only if you defeat ….me!


Принц убивает колдуна




Well! There you have it, everlasting love!



© nataliya-stupak

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